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Cybersecurity awareness: Protect your assets

Security awareness, also known as cybersecurity awareness, refers to all efforts to educate and inform a company's employees about IT security best practices. Evolving Threats: Cyber threats are constantly evolving, with new types of virus, malware and phishing attacks emerging all the time. Human factor: Employees are often the first target of attacks, as attackers exploit human error to gain access to systems.

Cybersecurity awareness: Protect your assets

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Our expertise with

Safety awareness

With over 15 years' experience, a perfect understanding of the latest developments in IT security, and teams that are always ahead of the game, we can offer you the best possible support:

  • Needs Assessment: Start by assessing the company's specific security awareness needs, taking into account risks, vulnerabilities and applicable regulations.
  • Developing an Awareness Plan: Work with the company to develop a tailor-made safety awareness plan, identifying objectives, target audiences and priority topics.
  • Content creation: Design and develop awareness-raising content, including training materials, videos, posters and educational documents.
  • Employee training: Organize face-to-face or online training sessions for employees, making them aware of IT threats, best security practices and procedures to follow in the event of an incident.
  • Awareness-raising exercises: Organize practical exercises, such as phishing simulations, to enable employees to put their security knowledge into practice.
  • Awareness campaigns: Launch regular awareness campaigns to keep employees focused on safety issues, including e-mails, newsletters and visual reminders.
  • Awareness Evaluations: Measure the effectiveness of the awareness program using surveys, awareness evaluations and safe behavior indicators.
  • Technical Support: Provide technical support to employees to answer their questions and help them with safety-related concerns.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Provide regular reports to the company on progress made in raising security awareness and areas requiring improvement.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the awareness program complies with data protection and information security regulations.
  • Adapting to new threats: Update the awareness program to take account of new IT threats and security trends.
  • Security Culture Awareness: Foster a security culture within the company, where IT security is a priority shared by all employees.
  • Scalability: Design the awareness program to adapt to the company's growth and changing needs.

Support from IT SYSTEMES experts can play a crucial role in setting up an effective security awareness program, helping the company to educate its employees, reduce the risks associated with IT threats and reinforce the security culture. These services are designed to protect the company's IT assets and minimize the human vulnerabilities that attackers could prey upon.

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